To put in a request to get something in your apartment fixed please send in an email to In this email state what you need repaired, what happened that caused this, and your personal information. If possible, provide pictures.Repairs
All information and issues dealing with collections are handled in the collections department which can be contacted at info@onesourceprop.comCollections
All rent is collected at our office. You may mail it or come in person. If there is any issue with your past rent or upcoming rent, please send us an email and we can help resolve it. To pay your rent online, please follow the blue button below.Rent
For leasing questions, or to submit an application, please contact our leasing agent, Jackie Blue. Contact info can be found on the "Leasing" tab.Leasing
Renter's Insurance
Cover Your Assets with Renters Insurance through our preferred partner eRenterPlan made just for apartment residents like you! Get instant quotes in less than 3 minutes by visiting the link's Insurance

2094 Boston Post Road, 2nd Floor
Larchmont, NY 10538
(718) 654 -0736 | (718) 654 -2303 (fax)
2094 Boston Post Road, 2nd Floor
Larchmont, NY 10538
(718) 654 -0736 | (718) 654 -2303 (fax)